A Requiem for Syrian Refugees

Life is like a wheel. It turns.


A Documentary Film by Richard Wolf


A Requiem for Syrian Refugees is a poignant journey of survival, resilience and empowerment.

Requiem is a wrenching documentary that features epic landscapes and compelling candid testimonies of Syrian refugees. Requiem offers an unprecedented in-depth perspective on the daily lives and feelings of refugees. Requiem was shot with a crew of refugees who felt the urgency to convey their situation to the world, including Rokn, a teenage girl who is featured in the film taking photos of life in the camp to preserve the memory of their experience.

Scored to Gabriel Faure’s famous Requiem, the film is a touching portrait of the dire conditions and anxiety faced by refugees, as well as a celebration of the human spirit facing adversity. Shot on location in Northern Iraq in stark black and white, Requiem is a powerful tale of suffering and courage, a universal reminder of the civilian toll and trauma of the 21st. century wars.

Requiem is an artistic statement against indifference of the suffering of millions, a non-partisan call for humanity and compassion.